October 13, 2015 / Commercial Pest Control

7 Steps For Preventing Pests From Entering Your Business This Fall

7 steps to prevent pests from entering your business this fall

Pests are bad for business. Flies in the produce section of a grocery store give the customers an impression of filth and poor quality control. Restaurant diners will be repulsed at the sight of rats, and are likely to leave immediately. One bad incident can escalate quickly as former patrons share their experiences on Facebook and YELP, tarnishing your business’ reputation. For these reasons, keeping your establishment pest-free is particularly important, especially during the fall when unwanted intruders will seek shelter from colder temperatures. To prepare for the pests that might start looking for their wintering grounds in your business, follow these simple steps:

1. Seal It Up

One of the first things New England business owners should consider is sealing any exterior cracks in your building. Even the smallest crevices can provide an access point for spiders, mice, and rats into your establishment. Schedule a professional inspection to ensure that your premises are sealed up as tightly as possible. Pay special attention to any areas where piping or wiring enters the building.

2. Pay Attention to Your Refuse

All businesses generate garbage, but not all of them create refuse that would attract pests. Food waste is the primary concern here, and you should ensure that you’re storing your trash in sealed receptacles to keep from attracting any additional pests. Additionally, try to keep your trash receptacles as far from the building as possible to discourage pests from wandering inside.

3. Mortar and Weather Stripping

While you’re sealing up the outside of your building, pay close attention to any basement or below-ground areas. If there is loose mortar, have it repaired. If weather stripping is damaged or missing, replace it. Seal around ground-level windows as well.

4. Garage and Bay Doors

Garage and bay doors are huge, inviting portals to pests seeking shelter in the fall. Keep them closed as frequently as possible, and ensure that the doorframes are adequate (replace damaged or loose mortar, fill in missing brickwork, etc.).

5. Check the Roof

Most pests will enter your business from the ground floor, but others will seek alternate entrances. Rats are notorious climbers, and can enter your business through gaps high on the walls or the roof given even half a chance. A nearby tree might be all pests need to get into your building. Pay close attention to upper walls and roofs this fall, and prune overhanging branches around your building.

6. Trim It Back

Your business might not have any trees or shrubs nearby, but many  do. Even a single tree, bush or shrub can encourage pests to start invading your property. All branches should be trimmed away from the walls or roof of your building.

7. Hire a Professional

Most pests can infiltrate your business with relative ease, which makes it tough to identify potential weak points in your defense. Perhaps the most important tip for preparing your business to fend off pests this fall is to hire a professional pest control company. They will inspect your building and grounds, your walls and roof, and even the interior and help make your property as pest-proof as possible.

Finally, remember that prevention is the best option — once pests are established in your business, it can be incredibly difficult to eradicate them. Follow the tips above to start preparing for the fall invasion, but remember to turn to the professionals if you need help. Contact JP Pest Services today for a free commercial consultation for your business.