March 25, 2016 / Bed Bugs

Is The Fight Against Bed Bugs Coming To A Close?

new discoveries in the battle against bed bugsBed bugs are a big problem for commercial facilities such as hotels and hospitals throughout the entire year, primarily due to their large influx of everyday traffic. Bed bugs can survive undetected in luggage, clothing, bedding, and furniture for quite some time, making it difficult to exterminate them all. Being observant of any signs of bed bugs is critical to putting a stop to an infestation before it gets out of hand, because an infestation can put your business out of commission for days or weeks during the extermination process. As the weather begins to warm up, keep the following information in mind to protect your business against bed bugs.

Using Science To Exterminate Bed Bugs

New scientific findings may hold the key to improved bed bug control solutions. Scientists recently sequenced the bed bug genome and hope it will reveal their vulnerabilities and improve pest control techniques. Scientists discovered that a bed bug's genes change after they feed, and what they feed on will affect their genetic makeup. So, bed bugs in one neighborhood will have a different genetic makeup than those in a neighborhood across town. This new information makes it possible to map infestations and cut off migrations before they invade a new space.

Schedule a complete inspection of your facility with a professional pest control company before the weather warms up to ensure you aren’t already hosting bed bugs. During spring, if you begin to receive complaints of bites that occurred overnight, call a pest control company immediately. Prompt action means the difference between saving and costing your business thousands of dollars. JP Pest Services offers a complete bed bug eradication plan, tailored exactly to fit your specific needs.

Background On Bed Bugs

Bed bugs multiply quickly upon entering a home or business; they live in groups and hide in the crevices of furniture, bedding, etc. They feed on humans (or other mammals) by piercing the skin and drinking blood through an elongated beak. The bug stays embedded for up to 10 minutes before becoming engorged and crawling away. Bed bug bites can be painless at first, but later become itchy welts. People often incorrectly attribute the welts to fleas or mosquitoes, so it’s not always easy to identify the problem before it's too late.

Removing Bed Bugs

Over-the-counter measures and DIY solutions cannot stop infestations, especially ones that occur in commercial and business settings buildings. Because this pest multiplies quickly and is able to spread out over a large coverage area, businesses and commercial structures need professional pest control services. If the infestation gets out of hand, it can damage a business' reputation and financial security.

Maybe you don’t own or manage a hotel, but you visit them frequently. In that case, check out these tips for protecting your luggage from bed bugs while traveling!