November 23, 2018 / Residential Pest Control

Mice In The Attic? Here's What To Do

Mice In The Attic? Here's What To Do

If you’re a homeowner who’s dealt with rodent invaders before, you know that the attic is a prime spot for mice to settle in and build a nest - especially when they’re not wanted.

That’s because an attic offers just about everything a mouse needs to bring up a nest of little ones, including heat, shelter, and plenty of nesting material to settle in when you’re not looking.

That’s why it’s critical to not only know when mice are taking shelter in your attic, but also what you can do about it. That way, you can make sure your home is staying safely rodent-free throughout the winter and well into spring and summer.

Here’s a look at some of the first steps you should take if you even suspect a mouse might be in your house, as well as what you can do to get rid of them before they start to spread.

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Spot The Signs & Know What You’re Dealing With

Whatever it might be that first raises your suspicions that a mouse is in your house - whether it’s scratching sounds coming from behind the walls, or droppings left around your baseboards - it’s critical to confirm the infestation before taking your next steps.

Common signs of mice include holes chewed into walls, through cardboard, or around insulation areas. Mice will often target these areas because they are easy to access and can provide plenty of materials needed to construct a nest.

It’s always important to keep a lookout for signs of feces around the floors or corners of rooms, as well as urine stains on ceilings or walls underneath where mice may be nesting. Aside from being dangerous to the health of you and your family or housemates, these can also be a clear sign that nesting activity is taking place somewhere in your home.

Cut Off Any Easy Access Inside

Whether or not you’ve noticed mice actually inside your home or you simply want to keep them from getting inside in the first place, it’s always a good idea to thoroughly inspect your property for any avenues rodents might be able to use to get inside and start wreaking havoc.

Remember: mice can fit through incredibly tight spaces, and so gaps in windows, cracks in foundations, or broken ventilation openings even a few inches wide can be plenty of room for a mouse to make its way into your home.

Check all around your property for any signs of damage or unaddressed openings that may be hiding in places not likely to be quickly spotted. In many cases, you may require the help of an experienced pest prevention specialist to identify these possible entry points, as well as to provide guidance on how best to seal off any entrances from future invaders.

Remove Any Temptations For Rodent Visitors

Like all scavengers looking for a nesting place, rodents like mice require just a few basic elements to survive: shelter, food, and water. Since your attic already provides the first of these fairly easily, it’s up to homeowners to make sure the latter two remain as far away from rodents as possible.

In most cases, keeping food away from mice can be simple, especially in the attic. Keep in mind, however, that mice will also set upon other chewable surfaces - like paper and cardboard - so do your best to remove these tempting nesting options as well.

Water can be a bit trickier to keep out of the reach of mice in your attic, especially in homes prone to moisture buildup from heating systems, air conditioners, or even simply leaks in the roofline that can drip when rain falls. It may be necessary to have a pest prevention specialist take a closer look at your roof and attic to look for signs of leaks, and to take steps to patch these water sources before mice find them.

Work With An Experienced Rodent Removal Specialist

At the end of the day, even the most dedicated homeowner may not be enough to stop the most dedicated rodent invader from making their way inside and up to your attic. When the problem seems too large or complicated for you to handle - or when mice keep finding their way inside despite your best efforts - it may be time to call in the professionals.

By working with an experienced pest prevention specialist to address your mouse issues, you set yourself up for the greatest chance of success in keeping your home rodent-free. That’s because experienced rodent removal specialists know exactly what to look for when taking on an infestation, and how best to respond to not just different kinds of problems, but also different kinds of mice and other rodents.

If you’re dealing with a mouse problem in your house, or if you’re looking to avoid one moving forward, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team of pest prevention specialists. We offer everything from on-demand pest response to seasonal pest prevention to keep your home protected all year long - saving you from the expense and frustration of reactive pest prevention when a problem does arise.

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