April 12, 2016 / Rodents

Three Diseases Mice Can Carry into Your Home

While rural deer mice can look cute, they’re often the carriers of serious diseases and viruses that can put your health at risk. Worst of all, you don’t need to be directly bitten by a mouse to be at risk for becoming ill. Research has shown that simply coming into contact with a rodent’s urine, droppings, or saliva can cause you to become sick. The takeaway could not be clearer: mice infestations can become a serious problem, not only in terms of hygiene for your home or business, but your health as well. Here are three diseases that mice can bring into your property:

Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS)

Arguably the most dangerous offender, Hantavirus can cause no end of symptoms that, if left untreated, could threaten your life. Hantavirus is transmitted through rodent droppings and urine. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identifies the most common exposure HPS when people are working in or cleaning out homes and outbuildings that are suitable for mouse infestations. Especially in situations where mouse droppings are kicked up into the air with dust, people in the immediate vicinity are prone to inhaling dangerous particles that may make them ill.

Lyme Disease

While ticks are thought to be the most common transmitter of lyme disease, mice play a critical role in propagating the blood-sucking parasites. During the deer tick’s larval developmental phase, they seek out small animals to couple with and start to feed on. Birds and small mammals are the tick’s food of choice at this phase, and that includes a species of rodent known as the ‘white-footed mouse.’ While this transfer usually takes place outdoors, if an infected mouse then migrates into a home or business, it can then pass the disease on to people or pets. It’s a potentially dangerous situation, especially for homes with children in them.


This disease is spread through mouse urine, and can remain contagious for up to months at a time. Symptoms include headaches, muscle aches, dangerously high fevers, and vomiting. If not treated shortly after infection, this influenza-style disease can cause serious harm, especially in children and the elderly.

If you suspect your home or business may have rodent or other pest issues, issues contact the professionals at JP Pest Services for a free estimate.