June 10, 2019 / Residential Pest Control

Why Spiders Love Your Shower

Why Spiders Love Your Shower

Let’s get this myth out of the way first: the itsy-bitsy spider did not come up the water spout to get into your house. In fact—just like you—he already lived there.

Perhaps this unsettling truth is why so many fables about the origins of our eight-legged housemates persist through generations; no one wants to admit they share the same living space as arachnids.

Even though they share your space, the reason you don’t often see spiders is simple—they don’t travel much. Usually they hang out on their webs and wait for their prey to come calling; but when you do encounter spiders, there’s a reason you tend to find them in the bathroom.

It’s their favorite place to get trapped.

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The Local Watering Hole

Imagine a swimming pool the size of a football stadium and you’re standing on the fifty-yard line. The smooth edges of the pool are soaked, so whenever you try to walk up, you slide right back down to the bottom.

That’s what it’s like to be a spider in your bathtub.

Like all animal species, spiders need water to survive. That’s why they’re drawn to your bathroom, especially during more arid times of the year, such as fall and winter. In an otherwise dry house, sometimes bathrooms are the only place to find moisture.

Some folks consider killing a spider bad luck, but whether or not you’re superstitious, spiders are definitely an ally against even more annoying and dangerous pests, and therefore worth keeping alive.

Spiders eat cockroaches, fleas, and mosquitoes -- all of which can spread disease -- as well as flies, moths, and earwigs (which, if nothing else, are just kind of gross). And they do this all while rarely posing a threat to humans.

Even so, as a landlord, you may still want to evict the beady-eyed squatters from the premises. In that case, there are several methods of getting spiders out of your home and into their own space that won’t harm or kill them.

Tried and True Tips for Safe Spider Removal

If the spider is near a window, go ahead and open it. Chances are it’ll answer the call of the wild and show itself out. If it’s in the tub, give it a towel to help it climb out over the ledge.

If it needs some guidance, try using a book, folder or notebook to usher the spider toward the great outdoors. You may even need to flick it out, which is fine and won’t hurt it.

If a spider is nowhere near an exit, a surefire method involves using a clear glass or cup and a firm sheet of paper to trap the spider in a temporary terrarium.

When you only need to escort the occasional spider out the door, there’s probably not much to worry about. However, spiders rarely end up indoors by accident. If you find your role as spider police starts occupying more and more of your time, there might be a bigger problem festering below the surface.

After all, spiders aren’t there to steal your wi-fi. Like most animals, they follow their food source; and, for spiders, that means bugs.

If you see spiders but no insects, that means the spiders are doing a good job of controlling the pest population. But don’t expect their defense to keep up for long; left untreated, an insect infestation could quickly overwhelm your home.

Putting out fly strips, spraying for ants, and loading up on mothballs may help diminish the underlying problem. However, if you’re looking for the best, most effective long-term solution, a pest control professional should come take a look.

If you’re one of the many that would still prefer not to deal with the spiders or their webs, check out our Home Quarterly Program for ultimate peace of mind.

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