August 19, 2021 / Residential Pest Control

Managing Mosquitoes Inside the House

Indoor plants on a table being watered

As much as you might prefer to enjoy the evening outdoors, it can be a real buzzkill when the sun goes down and mosquitoes come out in full force. But at least with mosquitoes, there’s always one last resort — the sudden onslaught of all those buzzing, biting pests can usually be stopped by simply heading indoors.

However, have you ever wondered what would happen if the mosquitoes you were trying to avoid decided to keep the party going by following you inside? Well, there’s some bad news — although infrequent, this can happen in a few unlikely scenarios. Luckily, in most cases, if mosquitoes are seen or heard inside a home then they more likely just got in by accident and should disappear as quickly as they arrived.

This can happen if, for instance, a door didn’t shut as tightly as it should or was propped open too long while you were making trips from the patio to the kitchen after hosting an evening soirée. You’ve probably heard or said something like this before, “Hey, close the door…you’re letting all the bugs in.” Those “bugs” are usually mosquitoes. 

A more long-term problem could be caused by something as simple — yet easy to overlook — as a tear in a window screen, providing ample and constant access to new intruders. 

Aside from being annoying and potentially leaving you with itchy bites, if mosquitoes ever do follow you indoors, under the right conditions, they could start breeding once they’re there. Then, before you know it, you could be sharing your home with another family — one that can produce dozens and dozens of kids you’ll have to “take care of” too.

As uncommon as it is, it does sometimes happen. The first step to keeping mosquitoes from crashing your evening and moving into your house is to close doors behind you as fast as you can whenever you enter or leave your home. You’ll also want to make your home as inhospitable to them as possible in case it ever does happen that one follows you in — here’s how to do that.

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Screen Against Invaders 

The first line of defense to protect your home from those buzzing invaders is the barrier you’ll find right at the border between indoors and outdoors – your screens and doors. Before you do anything else, be sure to fix any holes or tears in screens and repair any gaps or cracks in doors and windows.

Once you’ve sealed up any possible entrances, it’s time to move indoors and remove any mosquito magnets.

Make Your Home a “No-Fly” Zone

Mosquitoes especially like dark, humid areas; for instance, the kind found under sinks or in your laundry room. If you’ve got a leaky faucet or drain in one of those spaces, you might as well roll out the welcome mat for mosquitoes. That’s because the number one draw for mosquitoes, both indoors and outdoors, is water — specifically, standing water (including water you can’t see, like what’s sitting in a drain). 

Any effort to eradicate mosquitoes should involve getting rid of water sources. A puddle of standing water with a bit of organic matter mixed in is like a labor and delivery ward for mosquitoes – they need water to reproduce (it’s where they lay their eggs), which is exactly what they’ll do if they find even a teaspoon’s worth of standing water in your home. Then all you need is something from an open window to blow in for the mosquito larvae to feed on and voila! The perfect spot to bring up the future mosquito generations, right in your own home.

Your first step to making your home a mosquito-free zone is to fix any leaks, repair any damaged drains and even possibly install one or more dehumidifiers to help keep your home as dry and puddle-free as possible.

Also, try to think like a mosquito in search of water (we’re looking at you, plant lovers out there!). Those of us with green thumbs know that a good plant pot will have a drainage hole and a plate underneath to catch what the roots can’t, and this makes for a perfect spot for mosquitoes to lay their eggs. Not to mention, the organic matter they need to feed on will already be present after having been poured through the potted soil. To help avoid this

If Mosquitoes Put Up a Fight, Strike Back with the Pros

If repeated mosquito invasion is a normal part of your summer, there’s one thing we’d bet on: There’s probably a high population of mosquitoes in your yard as well. While professional pest solutions are not typically required nor recommended inside the home, the outside world is totally fair game. That’s where we come in. Our mosquito removal and prevention service comes with a 90% population knockdown guarantee, which should be more than enough protection to keep them out of your home for good! 

Don’t let mosquitoes be a buzzkill on your summer fun — contact us today for a free consultation and quote.

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