April 19, 2016 / Flying Pests

Where Do Wasps Build Their Nests?

Where Do Wasps Build Their Nests?

With temperatures continuing to climb as spring kicks into high gear, you might have noticed an increase in winged, stinging insects in or around your home or business. And while a single winged invaded doesn’t necessarily mean you have a problem, it never hurts to know what wasps look for when they start to build a new nest.

And the faster you identify a nest that poses a threat to your home or business, the faster you can call pest control experts like JP Pest Services to deal with a troublesome infestation.

So what exactly do wasps look for when building a new nest?


Much like their human counterparts, wasps try and build their nests in locations that provide shelter from the elements. Hollow logs, unused bulkheads, the eaves of an attic, and window sills all provide much-needed protection from the elements, as well as predators like birds.

To wasps, the engine compartments and wheel wells of unused or seasonal vehicles are perfect sites for their nests, but inconvenient and even dangerous for humans. Some species of wasps also build underground colonies, which can cause an unsuspecting person no end of shock and stings.


This goes hand-in-hand with shelter. Wasps prefer constructing their nests in locations that aren’t immediately accessible to intruders, human or otherwise. This is often why nests are built in chimneys, second floor windows, and the eaves in barns and outbuildings. The more remote and less trafficked by animals and humans, all the better for wasps.


Especially towards the end of fall, many wasps will make their way into cavities of your home or business to begin  their winter hibernation, or overwintering. Insulated walls of buildings often make great places for wasps to spend the winter, which then explains the emergence of one or two odd wasps you may find come spring time.

Know When To Call The Pros

So with all this in mind, be careful as you go through your property for spring cleaning this year. And if you encounter a nest that poses a serious threat to your home or business, make sure to contact the professionals: JP Pest Services.