September 20, 2017 / Seasonal Pest Control

Kitchens, Beware: Fall Is Still Insect Season in New England

Kitchens, Beware: Fall Is Still Insect Season in New England

Autumn means many things to New England natives - the changing colors, pumpkin spice everything, and the crisp feeling of winter on the way. But for all the gleeful leaf-peeping and roaring end-of-summer bonfires, it’s easy to think that insects have made their exit - only for an unwanted fall invader to make a move that’s sure to ruin your fall.

Whether they’re looking for a quick bite to eat from some crumbs left around the floor or easy access to water to last the winter, insects are well-known for seeking out kitchens and restaurants for the high degree of “hospitality” they may unknowingly offer. For chefs and owners everywhere, this means the time to take action is now, before the problem gets out of hand.

This year, don’t let your kitchen get caught off-guard by autumn insects. Know what to look out for, and what you can do to protect yourself from these fall invaders before they get comfortable in your space.

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Stink Bugs

Can you smell that smell? It’s the smell that surrounds you - at least, it is after you hear that crunch underfoot while walking on a cool autumn day. That smell is likely a Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, an invasive species which has made a home in New Hampshire and around New England for around a decade. While other stink bug species live in the region, this is the only species that congregates on the outside of buildings en masse, seeking a shelter from the storm or a way in toward a suitable overwintering site until spring comes back around.

Business owners may notice Brown Marmorated Stinkbugs gathering on exterior walls from late August to mid-September, with stowaways hiding out wherever they can all the way until warmer weather arrives. An experienced pest management professional can help control stink bugs before they become a major nuisance, and can help address invaders who may have found a way into your space for the winter ahead.

Cluster Flies

Although often seen as harmless pests gathered around windows and doors in the wintertime, cluster flies can actually be a fairly major nuisance for businesses looking to keep things clean and orderly through the winter.

The most obvious sign of cluster flies in your business - aside from their aptly-named tendency to “cluster” along warm walls and sunny windows - is the waste they leave behind, often visible as black or brown streaks or spots around those same cluster spots. Aside from being unpleasant to look at, this waste - and the dead carcasses left behind - can contain harmful bacteria that can spread to a restaurant’s guests and even attract other insect predators. If you notice cluster flies gathered in high spaces or around openings to your building, it’s probably a good idea to contact a pest professional to discuss removing and preventing cluster flies for the cold season ahead.


These last few warm evenings are perfect for bundling up and enjoying the sunset - but one run-in with an invisible spider web or an eight-legged stowaway can ruin the mood for any guest.

In New England, some of the most common autumn spiders can also be some of the most dangerous, including the Yellow Sac Spider, the Broad-faced Sac Spider, and the Woodlouse Hunter spider. Because these species seek out other insects for food, they’re likely to search for warm and hidden places to set up a web all winter long - and indoors makes for the perfect spot.

Whether you notice an infestation of these spiders in your space or are worried by one particularly stubborn species, a pest management specialist can help find and remove spiders safely without harming you or your customers.

Woodland Invaders

Although not as dangerous to human health, several species of common or invasive insects actually flourish in the fall, when the young-raising season has ended food and shelter become the key objective. These include species as recognized as the Multicolored Asian ladybug, which will seek out shelter and a bite to eat wherever they can be found. Known as a helpful predator of nasty garden pests in the spring and summer, multicolored Asian ladybugs can actually become a nuisance when the weather drops and (unlike the common spotted ladybug) may even bite humans when disturbed or handled.

Other invasive species to watch out for in autumn are the Box Elder and the Western Conifer Seed Bug, which make nests just underneath the bark of many common tree species and which can disrupt any outdoor gathering merely by being around. If your guests plan on eating outside this fall - or if your kitchen likes to have some outdoor ventilation as the weather cools down - keep your eyes peeled for these fall flyers, and contact a pest management professional if you do notice them in your area to help prevent their spread even further.

Say Goodbye To Insects This Autumn

Although it’s easy to feel like worries are gone because the warm weather is over, restaurants need to stay vigilant and take steps to protect their guests from fall invaders even as the temperature starts to drop.

If you’re unsure about how to take that first step, or need help identifying just what you may be dealing with, the right move may just be to get in touch with JP Pest Services. Our experienced pest management professionals can carefully identify your specific needs to provide the safest, cleanest, and quickest solution to your autumn insect problems without affecting your guests or your business. Don’t let bugs take over your fall; take action and enjoy the change of seasons bug-free - that way, your customers will too.

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